The binweevils gang.


Ive made a new search.!!!

Naughty naughty.

Ive been naughty on my secret weevil thebwgang look at the image above.

Good bye Kips scrap yard games.

have you noticed that in kips scrap yard all the single player games have dissapeared when you go through the tube you end up at bings grotto.Isnt that odd.

 Check out the new binweevils the shopingmall is way cool if you havent already seen here it is;cool isnt it !! its like real life you have to wait for your items to get delivered you have to pay for food you also have to pay for power tough luck if you dont have any mulch!!


What do you think of the new binweevils i would like to know!!

What do you think of the new binweevils i would like to know please contact me by filling in the form below;

    fill in this form below please use this form only for the subject:what do you think about the new binweevils.